Monday, May 21, 2012

So for anyone who didn't get to see it, I just wanted to do a little documentation of "Company" on here for you since it has been such an outrageous time commitment over the last few weeks. This is quite honestly a show that I did not believe was possible to pull off in 6 weeks from auditions to performance, but it was fun. The show was characterized by intensely chromatic sets and and costumes (think, like, pop art) that were created to give the show an oversaturated, dream-like, almost hallucinogenic quality... it sort of makes me think of Amelie. Our director's intent was that his version of the show happened in an instant in Bobby's head as a stream of conscious line of memories. Was it successful? Ask an audience member. You can see my mom's take here, but be warned, she loves me and she gushes a little. (thanks mom!)

And if anyone's interested, you can watch my song, "Not Getting Married Today" below. I was incredibly nervous about how this would come off and I'm happy with the results. My mic was muted accidentally when this was taped, so it's a little soft in spots, but it gets the job done.

I had so much fun playing Amy. Who knows, maybe I'll get to do a repeat like "Into the Woods"


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